Scoutbook Info
What is Scoutbook?
From the first knot tied to final hours of service performed, the Scouting experience is a journey like none other. And Scoutbook is your go-to tool to ensures not a moment is missed – tracking advancement, communication, milestone achievements and all the fun along the way. Troop 163 uses this for communication and some activity tracking.
How do I send an e-mail in Scoutbook?
1) To the whole troop... Login to Scoutbook, go to Troop 163, go to Send Message. Select All Leaders, All Parents and All Scouts. Type in your message and send!
2) To your patrol... Login to Scoutbok, go to Troop 163, Select your patrol, go to Send Message. Type in your message and send!
3) To other specific resources... just select or unselect who you want to send to.
<Note - all message sent to a scout automatically include that scouts parents/guardians>