2020-04-17 Wotamalo Sping Camporee and Crossover
Event name: 2020-04-17 Wotamalo Sping Camporee and Crossover Scout Event Leader Name: Robert S.Adult Event Coordinator Name: Eric Spurgeon
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 217-791-3468
Adult Event Coordinator Email: spurgeon@spurgeontech.com
Event Date: Friday, April 17, 2020 - Sunday, April 19, 2020
Event Time: 5:00 PM Friday – ~11 AM Sunday
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Camp Wokanda (620 Boy Scout Rd., Chillicothe, IL 61523)
Link to Map Click Here
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: ~$20 per scout
Cost is FREE for parents/families only attending the crossover ceremony (not eating or camping).
Dress: Field uniform (Class A) for travel and ceremonies; Activity Uniform (Class B) for service
Items to Bring (Essentials):
Extra clothes (in case get wet and/or dirty)
Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.)
Boy Scout handbook Mess and chow kits (plate, bowl, drinking cup, utensils)
Refillable water bottle
Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad Personal items (bathroom supplies) Medicine
Full Equipment List Link
Event Description:
This is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with other troops and packs from all over the Wotamalo District. While in our campsite, we will potentially be visited by cub scouts so we will talk with them, give them a tour of our camp site and show them our troop gear, and also play games and have a good time. We hope they'll join our troop someday!
All newly-crossed over scouts that just joined our troop are highly encouraged to attend this event. They will see a very special crossing over into Boy Scouts on Saturday night. Families are encouraged to come at watch the crossover ceremony at 7:30 PM at no cost.
Please also bring this waiver filled out (required by Peoria Park District) with you to the 3/18 troop meeting and turn it in to Scoutmaster Olsen. If you sign up after Monday 3/18, please bring the completed form with you Monday 4/1: https://peoriaparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Liability-Waiver-CW.pdf
Sign up below: