2017-09-22 Log Splitting (Evening)
Event name: Log Splitting (Evening)
Youth Event Coordinator Name: TBD
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Kirk Roberts
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-642-4189
Adult Event Coordinator Email: mkbobs@mtco.com
Event Date: Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Event Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Troop Equipment Shed - Crossroads UMC
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: FREE
Dress: Activity Uniform Event
Items to Bring: Gloves
hard soled shoes
water bottle
Event Description: We will meet at the Troop Equipment shed to split firewood and stack it behind the shed for future use. We will work with the United Methodist Men's Group and will have Hot Dogs and Hamburgers to eat. We will also have an opportunity to finish the job Saturday morning at 8:00 am. If you can attend both that would be greatly appreciated if you can only attend one that would be great also.
Sign Up Available BELOW: (Troop website: http://troop163.net).