Tommy N. Eagle Project Workday

EVENT Name: Tommy N. Eagle Project Workday

  • Youth Event Leader Name: Tommy N.

  • Adult Event Coordinator Name: Kevin Nemec

  • Adult Event Coordinator Phone: (309)444-2154

  • Adult Event Coordinator Email:

  • Event Date: Saturday 5/8/2021

  • Event Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Event Location: Washington Park District building 105 S Spruce Street

  • Event Cost: None

  • Dress: Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)

Items to Bring:

  • Shovel and/or wheel barrow to help move dirt, work gloves, and mask

  • Water Bottle

Event Description:

We will be I will be constructing a Gaga Ball pit for the Washington Park District. We will also be filling in land scaping, and helping to clean up the park.

There will be a limit of 15 scouts.

Please contact me Tommy if you can bring a battery powered hammer drill to the event.

This event is full - thanks for your interest!