Chestnut Mountain Ski trip
EVENT Name: Ski Trip
Youth Event Leader Name: Ethan S.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Craig S.
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309 643-4705
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: 2-4-2023
Event Time: 6 AM
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Location: Chestnut Mountain Ski Resort
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event End Time: 8 PM
Event Cost: ~$80 if we have a group of 20 or more Plus money for lunch; $105 if not Plus money for lunch
Dress: Class A for travel
Items to Bring:
You should wear base layer/long underwear, set of cloths, long warm socks extra socks, winter jacket, snow pants and extra pair of snow pants(optional), gloves/mittens and extra pair(optional), goggles(optional), balaclava/neck gaiter, hand warmers(optional), helmet(available to rent for $8), change of cloths for the ride home, snacks, lunch or money for lunch, water bottle, hat.
Event Description:
We will leave early in the morning and travel to Chestnut Mountain Resort then leave when we get tired and cold. The price is $80 if we have at least 20 people sign up, and $105 if we have less than 20 people. The price is the same if you want to snowboard or ski. We will have lunch in the lunch area then we will be out on the slopes the rest of the time. You may bring your own lunch and snacks for the slopes.
Here is the menu to get an idea of the prices.