Wokanda backpacking campout
EVENT Name: Wokanda Backpacking Campout
Youth Event Leader Name: Jake B.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Borlin
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-648-6604
Adult Event Coordinator Email: scottborlin@gmail.com
Event Date: Saturday, November 7 - Sunday, November 8
Event Start Time: 11:00 AM (Get dropped off at Robinson Park)
Event End Time: 11:00 AM (Get picked up at Robinson Park)
Event Starting Location: Robinson Park, Peoria
Event Location: Illini Bluffs Trail / Wokanda
Event Ending Location: Illini Bluffs Trail / Wokanda
Event Cost: $8-12
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Food & Cooking Supplies (Split between pair of Scouts)
Stove/Fuel (Personal or Troop)
Event Description:
The Wokanda Backpacking event is for scouts who are 13 or older and at least First Class Rank. We will be taking everything that we need for the night on our backs. The treks will be no more than 3-4 miles each day. We'll trek out and back. Our campsite is the "Pines" site about 3 miles out. I will send an email with more specifics closer to when the activity sheet goes out, but for now, save the date if you are interested in being part of the backpacking outing.