2019-02-16 Wotamalo District Pinewood Derby Help

Event name: Wotamalo District Pinewood Derby Help

Adult Event Advisor Name: Michael Hatton

Adult Event Advisor Phone: TBD

Adult Event Advisor Email: hatton42@gmail.com

Event Date: Saturday, February 16th, 2019

Event Time: 7:45 AM – 12:00 PM or 11:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Event Location: Metamora Township High School

Link to Map Click Here

Event Cost: Free

Dress: Field Uniform

Items to Bring: Positive, Helpful Attitude

Event Description:

The Wotamalo district is looking for Scouts to assist with the running of tracks at this year's Derby. They are asking for Scouts to sign up as Buddy Pairs at the form linked below for either the morning (7:45 AM - noon) or afternoon (11:45 AM - 4:00 PM) shift.

The Derby will be held Saturday February 16th 2019, Metamora High School.

Scouts will be running the Pinewood Derby tracks, setting racers in the correct order, activating the track start mechanism, confirming that the electronic finish line functioned correctly and sending Cub Scouts to the correct line based on their finish.

We run up to 7 tracks at a time and will need 14-28 Scouts per shift. If we have excess Scouts signed up for a shift, they will assist with guiding Scouts to the inspection line, in the impound process and rotate in to work on a track with their buddy.

Sign Up Here:
