adopt-a-highway trash pickup
EVENT Name: adopt-a-highway trash pickup
Youth Event Leader Name:
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Bob H.
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309.253.5130
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: June 17th
Event Time: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot (By Troop Trailer)
Event Location: Walk Highway 24 to Nofsinger Rd & Back
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot (By Troop Trailer)
Event Cost: Free!
Dress: Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Gloves / Mask
Dress for the weather - we will hold the event in the rain but cancel if it storms
Water to Drink & small backpack to hold it
Event Description:
Come out and help your Troop and the Washington community with a highway cleanup effort for the stretch of Highway 24 we have adopted. Meet at Crossroads by the Troop Trailer and we will walk highway 24 to Nofsinger road and back. (A good hike as well!) We will pick up trash and treasures as we go. This is also a great way to earn service hours for your next rank advancement.
This is a recurring event for Troop 163 and we plan to do this 4 times a year. Please watch this safety video before you attend the pickup event.