2017-11-06 Crossroad Men's Meal and Speaker Event
Event name: Crossroad Men's Meal and Speaker Event
Youth Event Coordinator Name: Garret R.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Kirk Roberts
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-444-7052
Adult Event Coordinator Email: mkbobs@mtco.com
Event Date: Monday, November 6th, 2017
Event Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Event Location: Crossroads UMC Fellowship Hall
Link to Map Click Here
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Field Uniform (Class A)
Items to Bring: Smile on your face, great appetite,and an attentive listening ear for a great message from an Eagle Scout
Event Description:
Scouts and scout fathers - the Crossroads Men's group has asked the Scouts to join them for a meal and listen to an active Scout leader and Eagle Scout from Crossroads.
The only thing the Scouts have been asked to do is present the Colors before our meeting. Other than that, kick back and enjoy dinner and the speaker.
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