Farmdale Eagle Project
EVENT Name: Farmdale Eagle Project
Youth Event Leader Name: Nathen P
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Shawn Powers
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309 242-5128
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: 10-1-22
Event Time: 10 AM
Event Starting Location: Farmdale Parking lot
Event Location: Farmdale Reservoir
Event Ending Location: Farmdale Parking Lot
Event Ending Time: 4 PM
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Work Gloves, Yard Work Tools, Water
Event Description:
My Eagle Project is to clear out a Backpacking Campsite at Farmdale Reservoir. Everyone will meet Ranger Todd in the Main Parking Lot. Once everyone arrives, we will carry our tools and supplies to the campsite worksite. Ranger Todd will help move some equipment on an ATV and Scouts will carry some as well. We can use as much help as possible on this project.