2019-06-09 St. Jude Smoke-Out Barbecue
Event name: St. Jude Smoke-Out Barbecue
Youth Event Leader Name: Jake & Charlie B.
Adult Event Advisor Name: Kerri Borlin
Adult Event Advisor Phone: 309-648-6605
Adult Event Advisor Email: skborlin@gmail.com
Event Date: Sunday, June 9th, 2019
Event Time: 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM (2-hour shifts)
Event Starting Location: Washington Fire Department
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Washington Fire Department 200 N Wilmor Rd, Washington, IL
Link to Map Click Here
Event Ending Location: Washington Fire Department
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Field Uniform for Event
Items to Bring: Field Uniform (Class A shirt) and a hat. Refillable water bottle. Be prepared for the weather by dressing appropriately and wearing sunscreen if needed.
Event Description: Our Troop has been asked to volunteer as food servers at the St. Jude Smoke-Out Barbecue. We are in need of 2 adults and 4 scouts for each 2-hour shift. You may sign up for more than one shift if you so choose. This is a great opportunity to help out our community and receive service hours.
We would also like to encourage you to support this great cause by bringing your family to the Smoke-Out and purchasing tickets at the event as well.
Please sign up at the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4aaead2da2fd0-stjude