eagle scout project workday - Miller r
Meadow Valley Park Trail Maintenance
eagle scout project workday - Miller R
Youth Event Leader Name: Miller R.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Matt Rampenthal
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: (309)472-4864
Adult Event Coordinator Email: matt.rampenthal@gmail.com
Event Date: 4/17/2021 <NEW DATE>
Event Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (most likely)
Event Location: Meadow Valley Park Trail System (Meet at Dog Park Parking Lot)
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Class B Uniform (T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Each scout should bring their own water and a mask. Scouts should also bring work gloves and if possible, their own rakes and shovels.
Bring a Sack Lunch - Snacks will be provided
Event Description:
The volunteers will be split up into two groups. One group will work on refurbishing a bench and the other group will be working on putting in stairs on the trail.
We will provide a snack for people because this project will take a couple hours.