Bike Packing
EVENT Name: Bike Packing
Youth Event Leader Name: Cooper H
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott H
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-229-7686
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: Friday, November 17-Sunday, November 19
Event Time: 5:00 PM Friday-10:30 AM Sunday
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Location: Hennepin Canal
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: ~ Free
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Normal troop camping gear. Need tents because not likely room for hammocks and please sign up a tent buddy. Need a bicycle. Check the weather for clothing needs.
Event Description:
We will camp Friday night and we are going to bike 15 miles at least on Saturday. We can fish Saturday afternoon. We will camp Saturday night and come home Sunday morning. This campout will count as a special campout for camping merit badge.
We need grub masters. Everyone needs to sign up early so we can plan for transporting for bikes. We will have a bike check at a meeting in October