2017-09-26 Taste of Washington Set Up and Clean Up
Event name: Taste of Washington Set Up and Clean Up
Youth Event Coordinator Name: TBD
Adult Event Coordinator Name: TBD
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: TBD
Adult Event Coordinator Email: TBD
Event Date: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
Event Time: 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Starting Location: Country Side Banquet Center
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Washington, IL
Event Ending Location: Country Side Banquet Center
Event Cost: FREE
Dress: Activity Uniform for Event
Items to Bring: Smile
A positive attitude
A good work ethic
Event Description: Troop 163 has been asked if Scouts would assist with set up and clean up of the Taste of Washington on 9/26/17. The event runs from 5-8 pm so they have asked that volunteers show up at 4:30 pm and stay until 8:30 pm. If you would like to assist please sign up. If you can only attend the setup or the clean up please indicate which one. The event will result in up to 4 hours of service that can be used toward rank advancement.
Sign Up Available BELOW: (Troop website: http://troop163.net).