ISR Summer Camp
Event name: 2022 ISR Summer Camp - Ingersoll Scout Reservation
Youth Event Leader: Gabe H.
Adult Event Advisor: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Advisor Phone: (309)229-7686
Adult Event Advisor Email:
Event Date: Sunday June 12, 2022 - Saturday June 18, 2022
Start Time: Meet at 10:00 - Leave by 10:45 (Bring a Sack Lunch!)
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot by Trailer
Event Location: Ingersoll Scout Reservation (33 Knox Road. 650 East, London Mills, Illinois 61544)
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: $335 (Early bird price)
(Please let us know if there is any financial difficulty. Early bird has to be paid to Council by 4/29/2022. Have yet to see if parents can pay council directly or if need to pay troop and troop pay council.)Dress: Class A Uniform for Travel and will be worn at camp often. (Activity Uniform/Scout T-Shirt for some activities) - See Packing List (Wear your Scout Uniform to camp)
Items to Bring: Summer Camp Packing List
Sack Lunch to eat in the car
Event Description: SUMMER CAMP!! - Have fun, learn skills, earn merit badges, get closer to your scout friends. ISR is 70 minutes drive from Washington (about 20 minutes west of Farmington). We are in Kaskaskia campsite according to ISR current website.
Highly recommend new scouts and 2nd year scouts who haven't yet been to summer camp or achieved tenderfoot rank advancement to consider signing up for the Trailblazer Program to learn scout skills for scout, tenderfoot, 2nd class and 1st class. The skills learned at camp can then be signed off on at an August meeting.
There are some additional fees for some merit badges for supplies (for ammunition for rifle and shotgun for example).
Need merit badge and council submission forms submitted to Mr. Hobart as soon as you can after signing up on troop website. Need to submit this with the sign-up to council.
Need adult leaders for full or partial week! Currently there are 2 Adults signed up to cover full weeks but we need at least 3 more full weeks covered (or 6 half week). We will also need volunteer drivers. The Troop will cover Adult Fee registration ($190 for full week). E-mail Scott Hobart if you are able to be an Adult Leader at camp!
Registration Form: Sign up by 4/23 to get the early bird price! Final Registration Date TBD.