Climb and Shoot
EVENT Name: ISR Climbing and Shooting
EVENT Name: ISR Climbing and Shooting
Youth Event Leader Name: Gabriel H.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-229-7686
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: March 18 to March 20
Event Time: 5:00 PM, Friday – 11:00 AM Sunday
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Church
Event Location: ISR
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Church
Event Cost: $30 to $40
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Items to Bring:
Normal gear from troop camp list
Event Description:
Event Description:
Climbing and shooting weekend, camping in tents of your own.
Sign up by 3/4/2022 - Sign up is now closed
Sign up by 3/4/2022 - Sign up is now closed