2019-10-12 American Legion Scout Appreciation Party
Event name: American Legion Scout Appreciation Party
Adult Event Advisor Name: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Advisor Phone:
Adult Event Advisor Email: shobart75@gmail.com
Event Date: Saturday, Oct 12th, 2019
Event Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Event Location: American Legion - Washington
Link to Map Click Here
Event Cost: FREE for Scouts!
Dress: Field Uniform
Items to Bring:
Dress for the Weather
Water Bottle
Event Description: On October 12th, Tom Berlett along with the American Legion is hosting a scout appreciation day for their community service. The event will be held at the American Legion starting at 1:00 pm and finish at 4:00 pm. It will be a pizza party and a troop bean bag contest with cash prizes to the six highest scoring teams to be used by the winning teams anyway they choose. Tom will need 4 bags games so let us know if you have one. A head count is required by 9/18 - so please sign up by then. Should be a great time!
We will need a few parents to stay and help.
Sign Up Below: