2017-05-22 Merit Badge Monday: Theater
Event name: Merit Badge Monday: Theater
Youth Event Coordinator Name: None
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Susan Wise
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-645-2450
Adult Event Coordinator Email: suzwise62@gmail.com
Event Date: Monday, May 22nd, 2017
Event Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Event Starting Location: Crossroads United Methodists Church (Outside if weather permits)
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Crossroads United Methodists Church (Outside if weather permits)
Link to Map Click Here
Event Ending Location: Crossroads United Methodists Church (Inside for regular announcements)
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Activity Uniform Event
Items to Bring:
1. Signed blue card from Mr. Olsen - if you don't bring one you cannot participate.
2. Chair
3. Outdoor items (sunscreen, bug spray etc) and WATER.
4. A small set for your single act/skit - for requirement #6
5. Your costume WITH MAKEUP (and makeup remover if needed) - for requirement #6
6. Your script for requirement #2 neatly done and presentable. 6. Your review for requirement #1.
Event Description: Before you come you will need to complete: 1. Read the merit badge book for "Theater" 2. DO requirements #1 and #2 before you come and be prepared to discuss and show your results. 3. DO (or have done already in the past) from requirement #3, ONE OF THE FOLLOWING- A, B, D (this could be a drawing of your designs), F, or G. 4. Be prepared to do ANY of the requirements in #4. During the class, the merit badge counselor/audience gets to choose what you will do. Requirements we will cover in class: #3 C (it does not have to be a circus theme) and E #4 and #5 #6 - Each scout will have 5-7 minutes for 2 skits or one act plays, using the makeup and props/staging that they will bring. Any questions? Please contact Mrs. Wise. Class limit: Maximum of 8 scouts.
Sign Up Available BELOW: (Troop website: http://troop163.net).