Backpacking Campout
EVENT Name: Backpacking Campout
EVENT Name: Backpacking Campout
Youth Event Leader Name: Gabriel H.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-229-7606
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: Saturday, May 13th - Sunday May 14th, 2023
Event Time: 9:00 AM, Saturday – 9:00 PM Sunday
Event Starting Location: Farmdale Reservoir
Event Location: Farmdale Reservoir
Event Ending Location: Farmdale Reservoir
Event Cost: ~$20
Dress: Class B Uniform for Event(Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Items to Bring:
Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.
Clothes, Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.), spare set of clothes
Scout handbook
Mess kit (Plate/Utensils/Cup)
Personal items (bathroom supplies)
Event Description:
Event Description:
Backpacking through woods
Second Class Rank is REQUIRED
Sign up by 4/20/2023
Sign up by 4/20/2023