Woodpile Cleanup and Fundraiser
EVENT Name: woodpile Cleanup and fundraiser
Youth Event Leader Name: N/A
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Susan Wise
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-645-2450
Adult Event Coordinator Email: suzwise62@gmail.com
Event Date: Saturday Oct 24th
Event Time: 12:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Location: Crossroads Parking Lot - Scout Garage Area
Event Cost: Free unless you would like to purchse some wood!
Dress: Class B Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Work Gloves
Dress appropriately for the weather and for working outside (Boots, etc...)
Event Description:
The Troop is doing double duty this Saturday; helping the church and fundraising. We will be selling some of the wood we have to church, pack and troop 163 families and cleaning up the wood pile area. Pack 163 is helping since they use the wood as well.
Many hands make light work! We need adults on hand to help out as well as scouts. Scouts will receive service hours for this event. At the minimum,15 volunteers are needed to make this happen smoothly. Scouts, this is a great opportunity to hone your knot tying skills!
Items we need to get the job done: (let me know what you can bring)
Chain saw (with an experienced adult user)
4 foot table - 1
Large shovels
Iron rakes
Twine - Mark Pfieffer
Axe 3-4
Hand saws 2-3