Training Campout - Wokanda
Youth Event Leader Name: Jake B.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Borlin
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-648-6604
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: Saturday, Aug 21 - Sunday, Aug 22, 2021
Event Time: 9:30 AM Saturday 8/21 - 11:00 AM Sunday
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Location: Camp Wokanda (Pines Campground)
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: ~$20
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.
See Weekend Campout Packing List (Clothes, Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.), spare set of clothes)
Scout handbook
Mess kit (Plate/Utensils/Cup)
Personal items (bathroom supplies)
Event Description:
This campout will be a 1 night training campout, newer scouts and adults are highly encouraged to attend. There will be two separate training programs for this campout.
1) There will be training for scouts to help them learn the basics of camping with Troop 163 - with a goal of helping everyone be comfortable with the troop equipment, camp setup, camp etiquette, cooking and cleaning. Everything will be a learning opportunity at this campout!
2) There will be training for adults to help get adults familiar with troop camping and event planning. You will learn the basics of communication, Troop activity sheets and the google drive, Troop website, and key tips on how to lead events and campouts safely. We will also review the troop equipment in the trailer and talk about what other equipment the troop has available and where it is stored. Youth Protection training will be required for adults to camp.
Things that can be done over the weekend:
Cooking/Grubmaster experience
Having fun & camping out with the Troop & learning the Troop gear & the patrol method
Rank Advancement work