EVENT Name: Lincoln hike 2021
Youth Event Leader Name: Jake D
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Todd Dansizen
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-219-4317
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: 9/25/2021
Event Time: 8:45 AM (Washington Square) - 12:00 (Metamora Square)
Event Starting Location: Washington Square
Event Location: On the road!
Event Ending Location: Metamora Square
Event Cost: $5
Dress: Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Hiking boots or shoes
Dress for the weather, Sun Protection
Event Description:
We are going to do the Lincoln hike on September 25. We are going to meet at the Washington square at 8:45 a.m and we plan to leave at 9:00, walking to the Metamora square. We will then eat pizza at Metamora square for lunch, after which, your parents can pick you up at the Metamora square. Please remember to wear good shoes and socks, and bring water to drink and wear sun protection such as hat and glasses.