2020-02-14 Snowbase 2020
Event name: Snowbase 2020
Youth Event Coordinator Name: Charlie B.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Borlin
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: (309)648-6604
Adult Event Coordinator Email: scottborlin@gmail.com
Event Date: Fri. February 14, 2020 - Sun. February 16, 2020 Event Time: 8:15 AM Friday – ~10:00 PM Sunday (Note the start time! Scouts will miss School on Friday) Event Starting/Ending Location: Crossroads Parking LotEvent Location: Camp Tomahawk (Birchwood, WI)Link to Map Click HereEvent Cost: 2020 pricing due in full by 12/01/2019 to reserve spot:
Snow Huskies: $67 + Travel Food/Gas, Spearhead: $79 + Travel Food/Gas
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt) Items to Bring:
Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.
Clothes, Weather related items, spare set of clothes
Boy Scout handbook
Mess kit, utensils (Plastic)
Sleeping bag and pillow (for indoor sleeping)
Personal items (bathroom supplies)
Money/Sack Meals for Friday (Lunch/Dinner) & Sunday (Dinner)
Super warm winter gear is provided for adults and scouts, including sleeping bags for those sleeping outdoors Saturday. For a full list of gear provided and what you should bring see: http://camp.northernstar.org/Portals/6/Documents/Snow-Base-Equipment-List.pdf
Event Description: Snow Base is a great opportunity to learn about winter camping from experts.
There are 2 programs that Troop 163 will participate in at this event but we need to have enough scouts/adult leaders to do both.
Snow Huskies = 6th grade and older scouts
This introductory weekend program teaches participants how to stay warm while having fun in the great outdoors during the winter. Sleep inside, but spend the day outdoors developing winter skills, teambuilding, cross country skiing and playing games like broomball and initiative games.
Spearhead = 7th grade and older scouts sleep indoors the first night and spend Saturday morning through Sunday morning outdoors applying their winter knowledge and training. Over the course of this weekend program learn how to stay warm and cozy (or just survive) while sleeping outdoors in winter. Travel to a remote campsite to build your snow shelter, cook outdoors, and participate in winter activities before crawling into a 40 below rated mummy bag for bed.
Scouts will be taught Introduction to Winter Camping by experienced scouts and then get to practice their skills.
Check out the website for more details about the event. - http://camp.northernstar.org/snow-base
Please note: Any sign ups after 10/1 are not a guaranteed a spot until payment is received (or sufficient funds exist in scout account) and your individual registration has been processed by Camp Tomahawk. The earlier you sign up the better chance you have of being able to go. We will remove this event sign up once we hear from Snowbase that these events are full.
Sign Up Deadline has Passed