2017-05-20 Mini Backpacking Trip
Event name: Mini Backpacking Trip
Youth Event Coordinator Name: Reese B.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Borlin
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-648-6604
Adult Event Coordinator Email: scottborlin@gmail.com
Event Date: Saturday, May 20th, 2017 to Sunday, May 21st, 2017
Event Time: 6:00 AM – ~1:00 PM
Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Link to Map Click Here
Event Location: Sandridge State Forest
Link to Map Click Here
Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot
Event Cost: $25
Dress: Field Uniform for Travel
Items to Bring: A backpacking backpack is required for this campout. Other than that, just pack for a lightweight overnighter. Keep in mind that all gear must be carried for a long distance. Detailed lists will be sent out at a later date.
Event Description: This campout is a practice for a larger backpacking campout. We will be meeting early Saturday morning at Crossroads, and then driving to Sandridge. We will park there, unload our gear, and then hike between 10 and 13 miles while carrying all the gear and food we need for the night. We will camp at a group site, and then pack up and hike between 2 and 5 miles the next morning to the cars. Additionally, scouts must be 13 years old and have achieved the First Class rank to attend. We will go on a practice hike with loaded packs a few weeks before the event to make sure that all are capable of making the distance. This campout will be a great first real backpacking experience. It will be a challenge, but that is part of the fun of backpacking!
Sign Up Available BELOW: (Troop website: http://troop163.net).