2017-08-04 Space Jam 11

Event name: Space Jam 11 (Space Jamboree)

Youth Event Coordinator Name: Jack F.

Adult Event Coordinator Name: TBD

Adult Event Coordinator Phone: TBD

Adult Event Coordinator Email: TBD

Event Date: Friday, August 4th, 2017 - Sunday, August 6th, 2017

Event Time: 4:00 PM Friday – 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Sunday

Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot

Link to Map Click Here

Event Location: Near Chanute Air Museum, Rantoul, IL

Link to Map Click HereEvent Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot Event Cost: Registration + electives. Fuel and grubmaster food costs determined after event. Bring extra $ for trading post and snacks

Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)

Items to Bring: Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.

Clothes, Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.), spare set of clothes


Boy Scout handbook

Mess kit, utensils

Sleeping bag

Tent & ground cloth

Sleeping pad or Cot

Personal items (bathroom supplies)


Frisbee, ball to toss, items to entertain as a group (no electronics)

Event Description: Space Jamboree Workshop (Space Jam)

Come join us at Chanute Air Museum in Rantuol, IL and you'll be able to say: "I talked with the astronauts aboard the International Space Station, designed a moon base, flew rockets, helped plan a mission to Mars, used Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, built robots, and earned 2 technology Merit Badges and an Eagle Required Merit Badge. What did *you* do with your weekend?"

Preregistered Scouts have a chance to talk with Astronauts on the International Space Station, so get your registration in early.

Registration per scout and adult is $45 before 3/31 and $55 after. Some merit badges have an additional fee: USCF chess $5 fee, Ham Radio $15 FCC fee. Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Metalwork (forge and sheet), and Woodworking each have a $10 additional fee to cover supplies.

New this year: FLY ON AN AIRPLANE! Only 60 scouts will get this opportunity. Cost is $10 extra. If you want to try to get ride, circle the appropriate flight session on your schedule. A parent or guardian must register and be on-site to sign forms.

Sign up quickly--Merit Badges sessions fill up fast--underscored ones are almost full and the crossed-off ones are already full. There are many Merit Badges to choose from: Animation, Animation/Unity3D, Archery†, Art†, Aviation, Chess†, Citizenship in the Nation*†, Citizenship in the World*†, Coin Collecting, Collecting, Digital Technology, Disabilities Awareness, Electronics, Emergency Preparedness*, Environmental Science*†, Fingerprinting, First Aid*†, Forestry, Genealogy,, Intro to SCUBA diving, Kayaking, Metalwork-Forge†, Metalwork-Sheet†, Movie Making, Painting, Plumbing, Programming, Pulp and Paper, Radio†, Railroading, Robotics, Scholarship†, Sculpture/3D Printing, Space Exploration, Swimming*, Textiles, Traffic Safety, Truck Transportation, Water Robotics, and Woodworking†.



Eagle Required -- excellent opportunity to work on this!

Has prerequisites that must be completed before Space Jam

After signing up, please fill out a schedule indicating the merit badges you would like to work on. Some classes fill up quickly, so turn in your schedule to the adult leader listed at the top of the page as soon as you can. The schedule can be downloaded from http://spacejamboree.com/files/SpaceJam11Spreadsheet.pdf. If you have any questions or trouble understanding how to interpret or fill out the schedule, please contact the adult leader.

Blue cards for each merit badge must be started at our troop. See Mr. Olsen to get your blue cards. Blue cards will not be provided at the event, so to get credit for your classes, make sure you get your blue cards from Mr. Olsen in advance and make sure you bring them with you. Please note some merit badges have prerequisites that must be worked on before attending camp. See http://spacejamboree.com/files/prerequisites.pdf for details.

Other Activities: International Space Station Radio Contact, Airplane Rides, NASA Videos, High Altitude Balloon Launch, Amateur ("Ham") Radio, Search and Rescue Demonstration, Model Rockets, RC Airplanes, Med-Evac Helicopter, Inflatables, Movie Nights, Chess USCF Tournaments, and a "merit badge" exclusive to this event: Duck Tape!

More information is available at http://spacejamboree.com

Sign up below