Troop Swim Test
Activity Name: Troop Swim Test
Youth Event Leader Name: N/A
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-229-7686
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: Monday, Apr 17th, 2023
Event Time: 6:30-8:00 PM
Event Location: Five Points
Event Cost: $7.00 for ages 13+, $5.00 for ages 12 and under
Dress: Class B Uniform for Event (T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Your swimming gear and signed 5 Points waiver.
Event Description:
This is to replace our normal troop meeting. We will start checking in people by 6:10, to have the swimming tests start by 6:30. The testing should be done by about 7:30 depending on how many we have test, and the rest of the time would be free-time in the pools.
Adults and scouts please sign-up so we can give an expected head count to Five Points. You must have current A/B Health forms on file with the troop (give to Mr. Hobart).
We will administer both BSA Beginner and Swimmer tests (your choice which one). We will also try to go over other 2nd Class and 1st Class aquatics requirements for reaching, safety, throwing lines, etc. This is especially important for any scouts that haven't reached 1st Class yet. We are also requesting to have some older scouts attend to help in teaching the aquatics requirements.
Please note that Canyon summer camp requirements this summer said they would still require an on-site swim test the day we arrive if you are signing up for merit badges that require swimming.