Eagle Project
EVENT Name: Robert S Eagle Project
Youth Event Leader Name: Robert S
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Eric Spurgean
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 217 791-3468
Adult Event Coordinator Email: spurgeon@spurgeontech.com
Event Date: 10-29
Event Time: 8 AM to 12 PM
Event Starting Location: Wokanda Lower Parking Lot
Event Location: Wokanda Cherokee Cabin
Event Ending Location: Wokanda Lower Parking Lot
Event Cost: Free
Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Class B
Items to Bring:
Water bottle, sunscreen (as needed), work gloves, and hat or sunglasses.
Event Description:
We will be installing a drainage system in front of the Cherokee cabin in Wokanda to ensure that the cabin no longer floods when it rains. To do this we will be digging in front of and around the cabin, and carrying pvc pipes and cement to place around the drain.
If they have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of in case of emergencies, such as asthma.