Gabriel Hobart Eagle Scout Project (Day 1)
EVENT Name: Gabriel Hobart Eagle Scout Project (Day 1)
Youth Event Leader Name: Gabriel Hobart
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Hobart
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: (309)-229-7686
Adult Event Coordinator Email:
Event Date: Saturday, Oct 28th, 2023
Event Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Starting Location: Farmdale Resvour, in the parking lot.
Event Location: Farmdale Resvour, in the parking lot.
Event Ending Location: Farmdale Resvour, in the parking lot.
Event Cost: FREE
Dress: Class B Uniform for Event (T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Water, wear old clothes, Paint Brush, drill if have one
Event Description:
We are going to be building a table and benches for my eagle scout project to give back to this area. This will be a very fun project to be apart of, I recommend coming and helping!
(This is the first work day out of the 2 that we need, this one is putting epoxy on wood and the other one is putting the benches and table together)