2019-10-27 Trunk or Treat
Event name: Trunk or Treat
Youth Event Coordinator Name: Ian J.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Mr. Ripper
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-253-0099
Adult Event Coordinator Email: john.ripper.77@gmail.com
Event Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2019
Event Time: 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Cost: FREE
Dress: Field Uniform for Event
Event Location: Crossroads Parking Lot (gravel back lot part)
Items to Bring: Coat/Warm clothing, water bottle, Bring a good attitude and willingness to help.
Event Description: We will build and maintain a fire for the trunk or treaters. We will have hot dogs and smores for those who wish. This is an opportunity to help our charter organization. We will clean up our area after the event. You will receive service hours for participating. Set up at 4 pm. Trunk or treating starts at 6 pm.
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