wokanda Campout 3/20-3/21
EVENT Name: activity template
Youth Event Leader Name: Will H.
Adult Event Coordinator Name: Scott Borlin
Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-648-6604
Adult Event Coordinator Email: scottborlin@gmail.com
Event Date: Saturday, March 20th - Sunday, March 21st 2021
Event Time: 10:00 AM Saturday - 10:00 AM Sunday
Event Location: Camp Wokanda - Pines Campground (Meet in the Wokanda Lower Parking lot)
Drop off/Pick-up: Will be in this same location (We will need parents to sign a waiver at drop off for Wokanda)
Event Cost: ~$12-15
Dress: Field Uniform (Tan Shirt) & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)
Items to Bring:
Clothes, Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.), spare set of clothes
Scout handbook
Mess kit (Plate/Utensils/Cup)
Personal items (bathroom supplies)
Event Description:
This is a one night campout for all scouts - and a good introduction to camping for younger scouts. (welcome!) There will be fun activities, games and good food. So you should come! - Will
Wokanda is a great local camping location that most of our scouts are already familiar with. We will be in the Pines Campground - just across the activity field from the lower parking lot. (Best Campground in the camp and very hammock friendly)
Things that can be done over the weekend:
Cooking/Grubmaster experience
Fireman Chit (needed to start and maintain fires) and Totin Chip (needed to carry a pocket knife)
Having fun & camping out with the Troop & learning about Troop gear
Rank Advancement work