ISR Summer Camp 2024

EVENT Name: ISR Summer Camp 2024

 Youth Event Leader Name: ???

 Adult Event Coordinator Name: Jeff Werner

 Adult Event Coordinator Phone: 309-256-3756

 Adult Event Coordinator Email:

 Event Date:  6-16-24

 Event Time:  10:30 AM

 Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot

 Event Location: Ingersoll Scout Reservation (ISR)

 Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot

 End Date: 6-22-24

 End Time: 11:30 AM

 Event Cost: ~$370 if registered by April 15, $400 before May 15

 Dress: Field Uniform & amp; Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)

Items to Bring: 

 Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.

 Clothes, Weather related items (sunscreen, rain gear, coat, etc.), spare

set of clothes

 Scout handbook

 Personal items (bathroom supplies)


 Merit Badge Prerequisites

 See Summer Campout Packing List

Event Description: 

ISR Summer Camp will be from June 16th to June 22nd. We will check in at Crossroads

at 10:30 am and leave by 11:30. We will pack a sack lunch and eat on the way or

immediately upon arrival. It's a short 1-1.5 hr drive. Parents attending camp need to

sign up also, please. Will return to Crossroads between 10 am and 12 pm on June 22nd.

Be sure to bring your own tents, as the site we are at does not have provided tents.

Recommend 1st-year scouts and scouts without many requirements completed to

sign up for Brownsea Island, which will complete a Large number of requirements plus

The Eagle-Required First Aid merit badge. Merit badges can be signed up starting

April 1, so please get choices submitted to Mr. Werner prior to then to get 1st priority

(payment must also be made before merit badges can be registered). Please make sure

your badges do not conflict with each other – some times for badges run longer than


Early bird cost is $370 if paid to camp by April 15th. Full price is $400 until May 15th.

Adults are $175, the troop will pay the price for the first 4 adults to sign up. The scout

will pay the troop and the troop will pay the camp, so payment to the troop needs to be

at least 3 days prior to the camp fee due date.

Family night is Wednesday, June 19th. Order of Arrow callout will be that night. Staff

cooks barbecue that night. All family is invited, the cost is $10 prepaid online, or $12 at

the door. No pets at camp at all.

2024 Leaders Guide/Program (also lists merit badges, activities and prerequisites) 

General Camp Info

Sign up by 3/29/2024 for early merit badge selections, no later than May 15 th.