2019-06-07 Cache Lake Trip

Event name: Cache Lake Trip

Youth Event Coordinator Name: TBA

Adult Event Coordinator Name: NEED VOLUNTEER BY 1/11 OR TRIP WILL BE CANCELED. (We have 2 co-leaders lined up so far)

Adult Event Coordinator Phone: TBA

Adult Event Coordinator Email: TBA

Event Date: Friday, June 7th, 2019 - Sunday June 16th, 2019

Event Time: TBA

Event Starting Location: Crossroads Parking Lot

Link to Map Click Here

Event Location: Cache Lake

Link to Map Click Here

Event Ending Location: Crossroads Parking Lot

Event Cost: Approx $350 to $400 per person.

Event Restrictions to attend -- no exceptions:

  • Everyone must be registered and active members in the BSA

  • All scouts must be 1st class rank before May 1st

  • Scouts must be at least 12 years old by May 1st. If 12, they MUST have a parent/guardian attend with them

    • Scouts 13 or older do not need a parent/guardian attending

  • Everyone must have a passport card or passport book (certified birth certificates for youth allowed, but passport preferred)

  • Scouts must have attended at least one long term camp (such as summer camp)

Dress: Field Uniform & Activity Uniform (Scout T-Shirt)

Items to Bring: Field Uniform to be worn while traveling.

Small day pack for first night layover (Sleeping bag and pillow, personal items, bathroom supplies, change of clothes, medicine)

Clothes, spare set of clothes, swim suit, goggles

Weather related items (sunscreen, bug spray, rain gear, coat, etc.)

Boy Scout handbook


Fishing gear

Use trash bags inside your backpack to put your things in to keep dry during boat ride to camp


Event Description: Cache Lake is a high adventure camp owned by the W. D. Boyce council (our council). We travel to it partially by boat. We stay in a cabin and have a kitchen. We cook our own meals and organize our own merit badges. There is fishing, motor boating, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, campfires, and fun! It is very beautiful at Cache and trips to Cache are unlike any other camp we go to.

Some of these links are not yet updated for 2019, but information should still be relevant:

Cache Lake Youth Form Checklist

Cache Lake International Travel Parental Consent Waiver

Medical Info Sheet

2016 Ontario Canada Fishing Summary

Cache Lake Packet of Info (2019)

WD Boyce Cache Lake Info Page

Space is limited to an absolute maximum of 40 spots (mostly scouts but enough adults to cover transportation of people and gear), priority will be given to scouts. Ideal attendance is 20 to 35 people. If we do not reach a minimum of 20 people by end of January, we will start asking other troops to join us.

Register below: